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21-Day Meditation Experience

Day 11 - Nature's Generosity Is Waiting

21-Day Meditation Experience
21-Day Meditation Experience

Day 11 - Nature's Generosity Is Waiting

“The most fortunate are those who have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder and even ecstasy.” ― Abraham Maslow

In today’s meditation, we learn that Nature is always ready to give to us and support us. We only need to open ourselves to that infinite abundance and connect with it. Gratitude is the way we contact Nature’s generosity and bring its support directly into our lives. 

This expansive, engaged relationship with Nature reestablishes our mind-body system to its healthy, balanced state. Instead of feeling constricting fear and anxiety, our expansive awareness now blossoms and shares its generosity of spirit. Expanded awareness improves the entire functioning of your body as well, from your cells to your genes.

Daily Journal

1. List three things that you would like to have in more abundance. Instead of money or possessions, focus on things that cultivate inner abundance, such as kindness, intimacy, love, affection, appreciation, self-worth, joy, and satisfaction.

2. Moving down your list from Question 1, write one activity for each attribute that will help cultivate that particular kind of inner abundance. For example, you could offer a kind word or compliment to someone you know who needs it, or leave a simple note of appreciation for a loved one.

3. List the names of people that most contribute to your inner abundance. Describe how you can connect with them more often.

4. Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

21-Day Meditation Experience
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