Mandarin Blueprint
251 episodes
EducationMandarin Blueprint
251 episodes
EducationAbout Mandarin Blueprint
Mandarin Blueprint is the most ambitious online Chinese learning curriculum ever attempted. Not only because it integrates pronunciation, characters, vocabulary & grammar acquisition materials, but more importantly because it teaches how to relate everything you need to know about Chinese to your personal lived experience.
Everything about your past is a potential connection you can make to Mandarin, and we're experts at helping you find them. Not to mention, Chinese is a super cool language! Once you get several characters under your belt, you're going to have a paradigm shift about language. Meaning is expressed using entirely different component parts, and we've only become more fascinated by it the deeper we've delved into it. Join Luke Neale & Phil Crimmins as we explore not only Chinese but how connecting Mandarin to our past lived experiences helped us learn in a fraction of the time.
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