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Closely Knit

Tablet Studios
Tablet Studios
This week on Unorthodox, a mixup with a third (reich) party vendor. 

We speak with Israeli actress Swell Ariel Or, who you may remember from the show Beauty Queen of Jerusalem. She moved to the United States just weeks ago, and gives us her perspective on the war as an Israeli living abroad. You can donate to the Israel Reservist Fund that Or started at: www.israelreservistfund.com

Ani Wilcenski, Tablet’s audience editor, helps us make sense of the social media landscape since the war in Israel began and sheds light on what our role is amidst it. 

We’re also joined by artist Jeanette Kuvin Oren, who you may remember from last year’s Hanukkah episode. She tells us about the art classes she’s been teaching to displaced children in Israel. 

Join our Beautifully Jewish Craft-Along. Over the next 6 weeks, we’re going to meet virtually to craft in support of children being treated in Israel’s hospitals and to support the brave men and women of the Israeli Defense Forces. Find out more at tabletmag.com/craftalong.     

The croched star in this week's episode art is by Adi Assas who you can find on Instagram: @adidiloops

Listen to the Testimonies Archive for more eyewitness audio accounts from Israel, and read Tablet’s coverage here. 

Write to us at unorthodox@tabletmag.com, or leave a voicemail at our listener line: (914) 570-4869. 

Unorthodox is produced by Tablet Studios. Check out all of our podcasts at tabletmag.com/podcasts.

Visit the Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust to see their new exhibit, Courage to Act: Rescue in Denmark, opening October 15th. Plan your visit at www.mjhnyc.org

The National Yiddish Theater is presenting Amid Falling Walls, a tribute to the indomitable Jewish spirit during the Holocaust. You can see the show November 14 to December 10 at the Museum of Jewish Heritage. Get tickets at nytf.org.
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