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Taskmaster: The People's Podcast

Behind the Scenes - The Task Writer

Assume the position (you'll know which position) because it's time for another episode of Taskmaster: The People's Podcast. This week we've gone GLOBAL. We're joined by the wonderful Sam Smith (not that one) who is the task writer for the New Zealand and Australian Taskmasters as well as a warm up act and all round bloody nice guy. We discuss inspiration, perspiration and even a little defecation as Sam pulls back the curtains on the machine that is Taskmaster.

Jack is welcoming in the Chinese New Year with a cornucopia of facts and stats about the Chinese Zodiac, mainly supplied by Ayden, a self-identifying snake (their words not mine). Can horses handle the pressure? Is this the time for rabbits to shine? Was Jack born in 1964? All will be revealed.

If you want to share your Taskmaster obsession, whether it's talking about your favourite task, what you loved from the latest episode or that you've recently engineered an ICO for a Taskmaster themed cryptocurrency called HorneCoin, we're all ears. As always, you can leave a voice note on the Fanswering machine. The number is 07810 025570. Alternatively send us an email at the address below. Your time starts... NOW!

Watch Taskmaster every Thursday at 9pm on Channel 4.

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Taskmaster the Podcast is Produced by Ben Drayton for Avalon Television

Taskmaster: The People's Podcast
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