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The Fat Feminist Witch

Episode 83 - Divining Love on All Hallow's Eve

The Fat Feminist Witch
The Fat Feminist Witch
Hello friends and thank you so much for tuning in to the show! For today’s episode, we’re going back to a Victorian Halloween tradition – love divinations and apple magic! You can now get signed & spelled copies of my books Green Witchcraft and The Grimoire Journal on my Storenvy shop - HTTP://thefatfeministwitch.storenvy.com Thank you to my advertisers for this episode: Better Help - Want to get 10% off your first month of online counselling through Betterhelp? visit http://betterhelp.com/fatfeministwitch Connect with me! The Blog: http://thefatfeministwitch.com Facebook: The Fat Feminist Witch Twitter: @fatfemnistwitch Instagram: FatFeministWitch Pinterest: FatFemnistWitch Listen on Spotify! Support the show! Patreon: http://patreon.com/thefatfeministwitch Buy me a ☕ : https://ko-fi.com/thefatfeministwitch Advertise on The Fat Feminist Witch: http://advertisecast.com/thefatfeministwitch As always the opening and closing track is Back To The 90s (Douglas Mulvey AKA D-REX) / CC BY 4.0)
The Fat Feminist Witch
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