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The Fat Feminist Witch

Episode 87 - Voluptas!

The Fat Feminist Witch
The Fat Feminist Witch
Hello my witchy friends and thank you for tuning in to the fat feminist witch podcast! This is episode 87 and is all about PLEASURE. This is a sort of personal episode, and most of what I’m discussing today is kind of a new topic I’m exploring within my own personal practice. “Apuleius, The Golden Ass "Psyche (Soul) was wed to Cupidos (Love) [Eros], and at full term a daughter was born to them. We call her Voluptas (Pleasure) [Hedone]." Thank you to my advertisers for this episode: Better Help - Want to get 10% off your first month of online counselling through Betterhelp? visit http://betterhelp.com/fatfeministwitch The Grimoire Journal: A Place to Record Spells, Rituals, Recipes, and More is available RIGHT NOW! >Order Here My first book - GREEN WITCHCRAFT: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DISCOVERING THE MAGIC OF PLANTS, HERBS, CRYSTALS, AND BEYOND is now on sale! Get it >> HERE!
The Fat Feminist Witch
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