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The Mermen

We're Goin' to Florida!

The Mermen
The Mermen

This week, the guys talk about teaching Luis how to swim in Florida, Forrest gives his dad a call after their newfound relationship, and they talk about Halloween coming up and potentially starting a razor apple business.

( We're Goin' to Florida! | Ep 54 | The Mermen Podcast )

Visit linktr.ee/themermenpod for links to purchase tickets to see The Mermen LIVE in Florida!

⏩ Follow Dave on all socials @DaveWComedy and Forrest @ForrestShaw

For tour dates and links to their albums, go to davewilliamsoncomedy.com and forrestshaw.net

Leave a voicemail or text the guys at (347) MERVERT or (347) 637-8378 !

Write a review on Apple Podcasts to get a shoutout on air!

The Mermen
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