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The Once And Future Nerd

A Change Of Scenery, Pt. 2

The Once And Future Nerd
The Once And Future Nerd
Mag Uidhir begins parlay with an awesome and terrible bargaining partner. When the Party seeks shelter from a blizzard, Nelson tries making sense of his recent conversations with Nia. Our next episode arrives on August 28. Thanks for listening and see you then! CREDITS FOR THIS EPISODE: Directed by CHRISTIAN T. KELLEY-MADERA Written by CHRISTIAN T. KELLEY-MADERA PERFORMED BY: GARRETT ARMYN as... Sir Brennen Willemson DAN DOBRANSKY as... General Traft, Arden, and Vanderberg ANYA GIBIAN as... Aerona Regan IAN HARKINS as... The Narrator and Mag Uidhir PAUL NOTICE as... Nelson FRANK QUERIS as... Billy JULIE REED as... Jen REGINA RENEE RUSSELL as... Nia and The Dragon GREGORY M. SCHULZ as... Yllowyyn Editing by TRISTAN STONE Foley, Sound Design, and Post Production Mixing by EDWARD BUSH Music Direction and Main Theme by TOM LEE Additional Scoring by CHRIS MONTALBO Created and Executive Produced by ZACH GLASS & CHRISTIAN T. KELLEY-MADERA Co-Executive Produced by JESS KELLEY-MADERA Associate Producers ALEC STORY The script for this episode can be downloaded here, and the transcript for our announcements can be downloaded here. A list of links for abortion rights, support, and advocacy can be found here.
The Once And Future Nerd
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