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The Wellness Cafe

19. I moved to vancouver !! honest details of what its like moving out of your hometown

The Wellness Cafe
The Wellness Cafe
Moving out of your hometown is good for your soul! This week trin discusses moving out of your hometown and her move to Vancouver. This episode will just fill everyone in on her move and remind you all that you can do any single thing you want in life and that nothing is holding you back! Stop making excuses and just go for it. Whatever it is that you are dreaming of, make it happen today.
wellness cafe ig : https://www.instagram.com/thewellnesscafepod/
trin's ig: https://www.instagram.com/trinitytondeleir/
trin's tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8XmkbDp/
The Wellness Cafe
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