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UFOs and Aliens

Are Aliens Demons? - Most Christians Think So!

UFOs and Aliens
UFOs and Aliens
The Religious institutions, particularly the protestant Church has referred to what we have come to call aliens "Demons", Is this true? Are aliens Demons? Or is there more to this discussion than we're being told by mainstream Christianity.

In this episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast, TruthSeekah speaks about about UFOs, Aliens and the need to try and control the narrative by the government and the Church. Are We Misunderstanding Aliens?

Full Article and Video Here: https://www.truthseekah.com/Are-Aliens-Demons-Podcast

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📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell)
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UFOs and Aliens
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