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We're Having Gay Sex

Irene Tu Has Attained No-Nut Nirvana

We're Having Gay Sex
We're Having Gay Sex
Irene Tu is a top-charting LA-based comedian that’s on everybody’s radar, and today in the apartment she’s decided to never GET OFF! In addition, dear friend of the podcast Ali Kolbert steps in as co-host during some LA sex tourism. We discuss being unable to orgasm, letting go of the expectations of sex, and then we get into a playground fight about who has achieved the most cums in one sesh. Ashley can no longer trib. Ali has heartache. You can follow Irene on IG & Twitter: @irene_tu, Tik Tok: @irenetucomedy, And you can listen to her top-charting debut comedy album, “We’re Done Now”, below: ▶ https://www.irenetu.com/album You can follow Ali on IG, Twitter, & Tik Tok: @alikolbert, And join her mailing list so you can see her live near you: ▶ https://me.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=2918def4bd12c0fb2a30dffd5&id=b7f35ee576 Support WHGS for bonus content, uncut podcasts, live streams, and more: ▶ https://www.patreon.com/WHGS Ashley is doing a theater tour! Get on her text list to get first dibs on tickets: ▶ https://www.ashleygavin.com/#dates Check out our merch: ▶ https://shop.merchcentral.com/collections/ashley-gavin ______________________________________________ – CONNECT WITH US! – Ashley Gavin’s Tour Dates: https://www.ashleygavin.com/#dates Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/6de0153eb9c8/whgs Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashgavs/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ashgavscomedy Twitter: https://twitter.com/ashgavs ——— Produced & Edited by Alex “swetshop” Vrahas: https://www.instagram.com/swetshopz/?hl=en ——— Watch this on YouTube: https://youtu.be/tiKUMbJs6vE ______________________________________________ – SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! – Green Chef: ▶ Go to https://www.greenchef.com/60gay and use code “60gay” to get 60% off plus free shipping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
We're Having Gay Sex
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