Andy Cohen’s Daddy Diaries Podcast
Andy Cohen’s Daddy Diaries Podcast
Tiedot Andy Cohen’s Daddy Diaries Podcast
If you’re a fan of Andy Cohen’s bestselling diaries, then buckle up because Andy is taking you on an as-it-happened recount of life as a daddy to two kids, dozens of Housewives, and the occasional fella. Each week, with co-host John Hill at his side, Andy takes you on a day-by-day journey of the high highs and low lows of parenting, his unfiltered musings, and a never-ending supply of the latest Housewives drama…all set against the backdrop of glitz, glamor, and the occasional tantrum.
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Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.
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