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AJP 146 | Ben Massmann — Found the perfect country to build his community

Architect and Engineer Ben Massmann from Texas worked systematically to find a safe country to settle down with his wife and six kids. He looked for a place with minimal influence from the globalists, conservative values, safety, friendliness towards small businesses, government stability, possibilities for homeschooling, gun rights and the opportunity to get residency and settle down legally. In this episode, he shares his thoughts and considerations about different countries. Massmann has understood the deception in politics for many years. He has observed how the political right and left in reality both leads to a technocratic, totalitarian society. Massmann explains six scenarios that could play out in the coming years. He strongly believes that people should be as independent as possible, but also find communities and networks of like-minded people. Massmann is building “Corazon del Cielo”, a community for fellow Christians in the highlands of Panama. He welcomes people to contact him and check out the community. As well, he encourages people to create like-minded communities in other countries, and create worldwide networks.

Ben Massmann:
Corazon Del Cielo
  • YouTube Channel

Ben's book suggestion:
Brotherhood of darkness by Monteith, Stanley

Ben's six scenarios:
› 1. A Slow Great Reset
› 2. A Fast Great Reset
› 3. The Depopulation Agenda
› 4. The Great Awakening
› 5. World War III
› 6. Alien Disclosure

Ben's seven stages of community building:
› 1. Unification of like-minded people
› 2. Establish a physical community
› 3. Training and education, mentorship and disipleship
› 4. Developing private businesses, institutions and organisations
› 5. Networking with professionals and organisations locally
› 6. Expanding to regional or international networks
› 7. Devlopment of economic zones or charter cities

Topics discussed:
panama (search)
chile (search)
paraguay (search)
uruguay (search)
belize (search)
  • ambergris caye (search)
  • mennonites in belize (search)
mexico (search)
el salvador (search)
peru (search)
ecuador (search)
skynet (search)
congress hearings of anthony fauci (search)
11th of september (search)
  • ae911truth (search)
  • world trade center bulding 7 (search)
false flag events (search)
king david and bathsheba (search)
the georgia guidestones (search)
technocracy (search)
operation warp speed (search)
norwegian vat (search)
norwegian tax rates (search)
deagel report (search)
technological plateau (search)
steve jackson games illuminati playing card (search)
the garden of eden (search)
  • the tree of life (search)
gnosticism (search)
prospera roatan honduras (search)

Related AJP-episodes:
AJP 52 | Patrick Wood — A new economic order is being enforced
AJP 68 | Richard Gage — 3500 architects and engineers opposing 9/11 narrative
AJP 126 | Alison Forezli — Fled Canada and found freedom in Mexico

Download this episode

Recorded: 2024-06-19
Published: 2024-07-12

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