When life gets hectic, our health is one of the things we neglect. We spend nine or more hours working behind a desk, skipping proper meals, not drinking enough clean water, and sacrificing sleep. So when are we going to start prioritizing our health? Don't wait until it's too late. Learn how to take better care of your health.
In this episode of Beyond the Diagnosis Podcast, Dr. Kylie engages in an exciting conversation with a fellow redhead, Dr. Jenn Simmons, one of the leaders in breast cancer surgery and cancer care in Philadelphia for 17 years.
Passionate about pursuing health rather than treating illness, she immersed herself in the study of functional medicine. Dr. Jenn's goal is to provide a roadmap for those wanting to know real health.
Discover five simple shifts you can do to start living a healthy life today!
“It doesn't matter what your purpose is; just find it and live in integrity.”
- Dr. Jenn Simmons
In This Episode:
- Why Dr. Jenn decided to become a breast cancer surgeon
- What gave Dr. Jenn the courage to walk away from being a surgeon to walk a different path?
- 5 Easy shifts in living a healthy life every day
And more!
- Join the FDN Certification Program - https://www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com/?afmc=25&utm_source=Affiliate&utm_medium=burton&utm_campaign=affiliate-referral
- Get the Right Supplements for You - https://drkylieburton.com/supplements
- Why Are My Labs Normal? Your guide to reading your own blood work; no medical background needed - https://www.amazon.com/Why-Are-Labs-Normal-background-ebook/dp/B09SF9PXRQ
- Join the 90-Day Coaching Program with Dr. Kylie Burton - http://drkylieburton.com/programs/
Connect with Dr. Jenn Simmons:
- Website - https://www.realhealthmd.com/
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drjennsimmons/
- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@dr.jennsimmons5127
Connect with Dr. Kylie:
- Website - https://drkylieburton.com/
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drkylieburton/
- Facebook - https://web.facebook.com/drkylieburton/
- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdqJbAS6ocKydcjNiDQoauw
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