In the final installment of my series exploring the legends behind Indiana Jones films, I look at both the reality and the myth of Nazi gold trains, specifically looking at the tragedy behind the Hungarian gold train and the urban legend of a buried Nazi gold train in Poland.
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Find a transcript of this episode with source citations and related imagery at sometime before the release of the next episode.
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Check out my novel, Manuscript Found! And check out the show merch, which make perfect gifts!
Further support the show by giving a one-time gift at or finding me on Venmo at @HistoricalBlindness.
Some music on this episode is by Kai Engel, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0), including "daemones," "Remedy for Melancholy," "Comatose," "July," "Oneiri," "daedalus," "Daylight PON II," and "Sentinel."
"Adventure Theme" by Adam Monroe was licensed commercially through Pond5.
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Direct all advertising inquiries to Visit to find other high-quality podcasts!
Find a transcript of this episode with source citations and related imagery at sometime before the release of the next episode.
Pledge support on Patreon to get an ad-free feed with exclusive episodes!
Check out my novel, Manuscript Found! And check out the show merch, which make perfect gifts!
Further support the show by giving a one-time gift at or finding me on Venmo at @HistoricalBlindness.
Some music on this episode is by Kai Engel, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0), including "daemones," "Remedy for Melancholy," "Comatose," "July," "Oneiri," "daedalus," "Daylight PON II," and "Sentinel."
"Adventure Theme" by Adam Monroe was licensed commercially through Pond5.
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