Economic growth is a central goal of many economies, but there are questions about how sustainable relentless growth is. Those arguing “yes” say the right measurements aren’t being used for societal well-being and how much it costs the environment, and call for a new economic model for more equitable and sustainable futures. Those arguing “no” say growth drives today’s prosperity, brings public good, and fuels advancements. Now we debate: Does Economic Growth Cost Too Much?
Arguing Yes: Peter Victor, Environmental Studies Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar at York University
Arguing No: Katherine Mangu-Ward, Editor-in-Chief at Reason
Emmy award-winning journalist John Donvan moderates
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Arguing Yes: Peter Victor, Environmental Studies Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar at York University
Arguing No: Katherine Mangu-Ward, Editor-in-Chief at Reason
Emmy award-winning journalist John Donvan moderates
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