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By experiencing the True Love that you are, Grace is unlocked with Lena Lange


This episode is all about living in full devotion to Life and God. The guest today is Lena Lange, a sister, mentor for women, a co-creator & a dear friend.

Inside this episode, you’ll find us talking about:

  •  Full devotion to life and God.
  •  What it means to root to your feminine essence.
  •  Creating a healthy structure for life and still keeping to flow present.
  •  „I know where I am going what I don’t know what is to come.“
  •  What does it mean to be held and be present  with what is.
  •  How to surrender for the Great I am.
  •  Controlling vs. Trusting life
  •  Money talk and how to detach from money.

Connect with Vera:

YOUTUBE: The Essence with Vera Schmid

IG: @veraschmid_
FB: @Vera Schmid

Email: vera@michaelandvera.com
Book a discovery call: Book here

Webpage: www.michaelandevera.com

Connect with Lena:

IG: @lenakatlange
Webpage: https://lenalange.net/

If the Essence Podcast has moved your heart today, make sure to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss anything! Make sure you also rate the show so that it can reach our sisters & brothers. That would means so much to us!! Thank You.

Ei soiteta