Hello my witchy friends, and thank you for tuning in to my first episode of 2024! Today I'm talking about darkness, dark goddesses, and death-centered witchcraft. I know, off to a cheery start!
Here are some great books to help you research dark goddesses and magic:
Hekate by Courtney Weber (Amazon CA or US)
The Glam Witch by Michael Herkes (Amazon CA or US)
Blood Sex Magic by Bri Luna (Amazon CA or US | Click to read my review!)
Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler (Amazon CA or US | Click to read my review!)
Dark Goddess Magick by C. Ara Campbell (Amazon CA or US)
Morbid Magic by Tomás Prower (Amazon CA or US)
The music heard in the background while I'm thanking my Patreon supporters is Lost With You by Nu Alkemi$t. (license code: COCUXZOLPNS7JR7C)
Connect with me:
Website: thefatfeministwitch.ca
Facebook: facebook.com/TheFatFeministWitch
Twitter: @fatfemnistwitch
Instagram: @fatfeministwitch
Get stickers, mugs, journals, and t-shirts up to size 5X on my TeePublic store!
As always, the opening track is Back to the 90s by Douglas Mulvey!
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