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The Fat Feminist Witch

Episode 86 - Magical Mixology!

The Fat Feminist Witch
The Fat Feminist Witch
Hello again my witchy friends, and thank you so much for joining me for the first episode of The Fat Feminist Witch Podcast of 2021! Today's episode is about potions! Tea, coffee, baths, perfumes, and cocktails! Since Valentine's Day is around the corner I share recipes for 3 love potions from WitchCraft Cocktails by Julia Halina Hadas! I also used Blackthorn's Botanical Brews by Amy Blackthorn and The Mixology of Astrology by Aliza Kelly to help me research this episode. Oil Blends: Coventry Creations - https://www.coventrycreations.com/ Beaux Magique - https://www.beauxmagique.com Magical Tea Companies The Forest Witch - https://www.theforestwitch.ca/ Bright Witch Brews - https://brightwitch.com Thank you to my advertisers for this episode: Better Help - Want to get 10% off your first month of online counselling through Betterhelp? visit http://betterhelp.com/fatfeministwitch The Grimoire Journal: A Place to Record Spells, Rituals, Recipes, and More is available RIGHT NOW! >Order Here My first book - GREEN WITCHCRAFT: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DISCOVERING THE MAGIC OF PLANTS, HERBS, CRYSTALS, AND BEYOND is now on sale! Get it >> HERE!
The Fat Feminist Witch
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