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The Fat Feminist Witch

Episode 99 - The End

The Fat Feminist Witch
The Fat Feminist Witch

After 7 amazing, wonderful, magical years ranting, raving, and wand-waving as The Fat Feminist Witch, I have decided to hang up my pointed hat and shift my focus toward my health and independence. In my final episode I talk about what the show, and all of you, have meant to me over the years. I cry a little bit, just a heads up. 

Thank you for listening, sharing, commenting, supporting, blurbing, writing, laughing, and connecting with me. I hope that we find ourselves on the same witchy path again in the future.

My website, https://thefatfeministwitch.wordpress.com will stay up, as will the podcast here on Anchor, but no new episodes will be released. The patreon page is shutting down, but the private facebook group will be available for those who are already members. I will continue to use twitter in the same non-professional way I have been using it for years, haha! 

I have been compiling episodes into themed playlists on Spotify and you can find them all, along with playlists I made for specific episodes and witchy purposes, at the following link.


I hope you all have a Happy New Year's eve, and year, and a fabulous and magical future. I love you!

The Fat Feminist Witch
Ei soiteta