It is the final episode of this season! And we couldn’t think of a better way to end than with a conversation around marriage mission statements and family values. It is one of our favorite things to talk about! Get cozy on your couch (or by your fireplace) and let’s dive in.
Behind the Scenes Podcast is partnered with Compassion International. When you sponsor a child, you receive a FREE copy of our latest book, Creative Love. To Sponsor A Child - or Text ROLOFF to 83393.
In this episode you’ll hear:
- Why mission statements are vital; not just to large companies, but marriages
- What questions you can ask one another as you form you marriage statement & family values
- Family pillars; what they are and why they are so important
- Where the podcast is headed for the next season
For all things mentioned in this episode check out the Podcast Blog Post.
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