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Dividend Talk

EP #162 | Navigating the World of REITs with Brad Thomas, aka mr REIT

Dividend Talk
Dividend Talk

In this episode, we are delighted to welcome "Mr. REIT" Brad Thomas, the most widely followed author on Seeking Alpha and the author of the upcoming book "REITs for Dummies," which is available for pre-order at this link: https://www.amazon.com/REITs-Dummies-Business-Personal-Finance/dp/1394185359

Our discussion kicks off with a review of the week's top news, with a particular focus on Realty Income's investment in Bellagio. Brad provides his insights on why this could prove to be a lucrative deal for the monthly dividend company.

Following the news segment and a lively round of rapid-fire questions, we delve into various topics, including:

  1. Brad's journey into the world of real estate.

  2. Evolution in Brad's investment approach.

  3. Valuable advice for beginners in the field.

  4. Identifying red flags in companies.

  5. Brad's perspective on current industry trends, sectors to favor, and sectors to approach with caution.

We hope you enjoy the show as much as we did.

Do you want to learn more about Brad?

  • Follow him on SeekingAlpha: https://seekingalpha.com/author/brad-thomas
  • Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rbradthomas
  • Buy his book The Intelligent REIT Investor: https://www.amazon.com/Intelligent-REIT-Investor-Guide-Investment/dp/111975030X
  • Pre-order his book, REITs for Dummies: https://www.amazon.com/REITs-Dummies-Business-Personal-Finance/dp/1394185359

Interested in more? Join the conversation on the Dividend Talk Facebook Group: Dividend Talk group (facebook.com)

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