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Financial Feminist

Your Ultimate Guide to Bank and Investing Accounts

Financial Feminist
Financial Feminist
Do I need a Roth IRA AND a 401k? What’s the difference between an HYSA, CD, and Money Market account? What about a 529 plan? The sheer amount of numbers and letters to decode in the financial space can leave anyone’s head spinning, so we’re breaking down all the accounts you could ever possibly need and how to use them in today’s episode. 
Get our HYSA, Credit Card, and other account recommendations: https://herfirst100k.com/money-tools
Read transcripts, learn more about our guests and sponsors, and get more resources at https://herfirst100k.com/start-here-financial-feminist-podcast 
Not sure where to start on your financial journey? Take our FREE money personality quiz! https://herfirst100k.com/quiz
Financial Feminist
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