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Scrooge: A Christmas Carol

Part 1: Ebenezer Scrooge and His Unexpected Visit from Jacob Marley

Scrooge: A Christmas Carol
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol
In Part 1, we are introduced to Ebenezer Scrooge, a reviled businessman known for his tight-fistedness and disdain for Christmas. We learn about his relationship with his deceased business partner, Jacob Marley, and his encounters with solicitors, his clerk Bob Cratchit, and his nephew Frederick. Scrooge's deep-seated dislike for the holiday and his miserly ways are highlighted, setting the stage for the arrival of the ghost of Jacob Marley, who warns Scrooge that he will be visited by three spirits. The episode ends with Scrooge's desperate plea for help from Jacob, setting the stage for the transformative journey that awaits him. Key Links:Website: https://scroogepodcast.comFree 5 Part Bible Study: https://bit.ly/scrooge-studyCompassion International: compassion.com/scrooge 

Presented by Hope Media Group and Compassion International.

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Scrooge: A Christmas Carol
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