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2 Sugars, No Sleep

Overcoming Resume Writer's Block: How to Brainstorm Content

2 Sugars, No Sleep
2 Sugars, No Sleep

We all know we should do it, but we hold off until later.

Later turns into someday. Which isn't on the calendar last I checked.

#ResumeWriting can be daunting because you don't know where to start. There's so much that you do on a daily basis that it's tough to keep track of it all.

That's how I felt until I discovered a simple hack: WWHI --- What, Why, How, Impact. If you keep track of those 4 things, you'll never worry about a #resume, #casestudy, or #performancereview ever again.

If you watch till the end, you'll see how it all comes together in a live example where I use that same framework to tackle an impromptu interview question on the spot.

If you master this, your resume and interviewing skills will be unbeatable. But you can't just jump to the finished product.

It's a reflective process and it will require you to sit down and think.

But to make it easier for you, I created a custom project tracker so you never forget past accomplishments.

Once you have this, you'll have all the puzzle pieces for a killer resume.

All that's left is putting it all together.

And in the next post, we'll go through 3 secrets you can use to turn your resume into a Golden Ticket.

#ResumeImpactSecrets #2SugarsNoSleep #TheInnerCircle

Get the full workshop at www.UltimateResume.Me

2 Sugars, No Sleep
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