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Analir Pisani

XLookup Function trumps Vlookup Function in Excel

Analir Pisani
Analir Pisani

There are some great features of the XLOOKUP Function, most peoples favourite part I imagine would be that the lookupvalue can be located anywhere not just on the first column of your table. XLOOKUP function eliminated the need for nesting other functions to get the job done like the IFERROR and MATCH functions. You can also search from top to bottom or from Bottom to top. The IFERROR component is built into the functions. I also have a YouTube Video if you prefer lookup Analir Pisani. If face to face consulting is best and you are in Sydney Australia https:azsolutions.com.au can help.

Analir Pisani - www.azsolutions.com.au
Microsoft Office Training Specialist

Analir Pisani
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