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Daily Minute with J'Ouellette® - French conversation for jet-setters

French EXPRESSIONS: agreement: Weekend practice

French EXPRESSIONS: agreement: Weekend practice

Oui, tu as raison. = Yes, you’re right.

Je suis entièrement d'accord avec vous. =  I couldn't agree with you more.

Exactement. = Exactly.

Aucun doute là-dessus. = No doubt about it.

Ce n'est pas faux.=  You have a point there.

J'allais le dire. =  I was just going to say that.

Je crois que oui. = I believe so.

Je ne suis pas en désaccord avec vous. = I don't disagree with you.

Je suis d'accord. = I agree.

Bien sûr. = Of course.

C'est vrai. = That's true.

Absolument. = Absolutely.

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Daily Minute with J'Ouellette® - French conversation for jet-setters
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