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Groundbreaker Anita Hayes

Documentary on Newstalk
Documentary on Newstalk

Groundbreakers Series Two: Three documentaries that chart the life and work of older women who did not just live through a changing Ireland but who were the changemakers.

Three groundbreaking women have made positive changes in academia, engineering, the environment, and social justice. These women are known and highly regarded and loved within their area of expertise, but they are not known by the general public. We listen to their story, to celebrate them, to thank them for making Ireland a better place for us all.

Ground Breaker Anita Hayes centres on the life's work of Anita Hayes, who established Irish Seed Savers. She dedicated her life’s work to safeguard our future food crops by preserving the rich genetic diversity of the past, by creating a community of Seed Savers all over Ireland.

Anita founded the Irish Seed Savers in 1991 on a small farm in Co. Carlow. In 1996 the project moved to its present site in Scarriff and in 1997 a FAS community employment scheme secured a site and employment for many staff. It is now home to a seed bank containing more than 600 rare and endangered vegetable varieties, a native broadleaf woodland, and wildlife sanctuary. This provides a home for a thriving colony of heritage Irish black bees. Irish Seed Savers hold the national collection of Irish heritage apple trees in their orchards, numbering over 180+ varieties, as well as an orchard of over 33 self-rooting varieties of apple trees that require no grafting for propagation, the largest collection of this type of apple trees in the world. The genius of Irish Seed Savers is that the living ark of heritage crops is a much better way to preserve our horticultural heritage than in static seed banks, frozen in time and wrapped in cotton wool. The yearly renewed cultivation of these crops exposes them to the realities of climate change, to the evolution of circumstances in pest and diseases, and strengthens them to compete and thrive in the modern world and with them their heritage and stories.

Their lives tell the story of Ireland’s progression and change. One women’s story that brings us on an audio journey through the changes, over the last decades, to the issues she dedicated her life to. In Groundbreaker: Anita Hayes we explore the issues of seed sovereignty and biodiversity, in Groundbreaker: Mary Crilly we examine sexual violence and exploitation in Ireland and in Groundbreaker: Jane Grimson, we look at women in engineering and genderism in the workforce.

Documentary on Newstalk
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