“The Piana Man” is a one episode drama/musical/comedy about a tourist town entertainer, Danny Boylan - referred to by the venue's owner, Nancy Crowley, as "Danny Boy - to appeal to the Irish Americans". To his face she calls him her "people magnet" and that he certainly is. All goes sweetly through the first season. They plan to do even better the following year but there is an unexplained breakdown in communication.
“The Piana Man” is written by Dezy Walls, directed by Ann Shanahan and features, Dezy Walls, Lisa Marie Murphy, Andrew "Skatz" Scattergood, Susan Hennessy, Michael Ryan, Sean Kelleher and Terry Gordon. It was produced at Creation Studios, County Kerry.
“The Piana Man”, by Dezy Walls, was funded by the BAI under the sound and vision scheme.
“The Piana Man” is written by Dezy Walls, directed by Ann Shanahan and features, Dezy Walls, Lisa Marie Murphy, Andrew "Skatz" Scattergood, Susan Hennessy, Michael Ryan, Sean Kelleher and Terry Gordon. It was produced at Creation Studios, County Kerry.
“The Piana Man”, by Dezy Walls, was funded by the BAI under the sound and vision scheme.
The podcast Drama on Newstalk is distributed by Podplay. Here you find the podcasts RSS feed.