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Isaiah 6 — With Chad Wilt

"In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of His robe filled the temple." - Isaiah 6:1 ESV
I can, with absolute certainty, say that Chad Wilt is an exemplary man. He is the Senior Pastor of Proclaiming Jesus Ministries in Harrison, AR in the USA. His genuine heart in ministry has seen him and His wife Tehillah together with their fellow leaders maneuver through the stormy waters of church modernism with apostolic wisdom. 
In this episode, Chad explores the vision that Isaiah saw which made a seasoned prophet like him shaken by the Holiness of the Lord in His temple. This clarity of vision only came after the death of King Uzziah. This king symbolizes many things in our lives and in the church today that make us lose sight of Jesus and get confused by the patterns of the world. All springing from an Adamic nature that needs to die.
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