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Odds and Evenings

#29 - Pyramids, Pitches and Pumps

Odds and Evenings
Odds and Evenings
The boys are back for season two! They try ramping Pascal's Triangle up a couple of dimensions, consider the physics of how we control volume and attempt to help out someone with a fishy problem.
Odds and Evenings
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Topics discussed
Pascal's Pyramid
Sound Quality
Fish Tank Siphoning
Show Notes
Cuboctohedron Stacking (https://robertlovespi.net/2014/03/25/a-space-filling-pair-of-polyhedra-the-cuboctahedron-and-the-octahedron/)
Sphere Packing Systems (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Close-packing_of_equal_spheres?fbclid=IwAR3pUsuDc8I0u-EK8WOeh0C5KgRdgH7XWd1_QoDRx3qTssLVqd9AQI7UPDA)
Colouring in Pascal's Triangle in mod 3, 4 and 5 (https://www.maa.org/press/periodicals/loci/joma/patterns-in-pascals-triangle-with-a-twist-first-twist-what-is-it)
Sierpinski's Pyramid (https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Ray-tracing-Figure-13-The-Sierpinski-Pyramid_fig2_260126327)
Hosted By
Alaric - http://alaricstephen.com
Alex - http://twitter.com/speakmouthwords
Editing by Alex
Quasi-analytic classes with respect to logarithmically convex sequences by Alaric
Theme music by David Russell - https://youtube.com/DavidRussell323
Odds and Evenings
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