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Poetic Uniforms

With Honor & Pride

Poetic Uniforms
Poetic Uniforms

The Medate as my eyes and ears in the battlefield, -simile A

the Kusazure is the regulation of my feelings of pain and suffering to maintain the posture, B

the katana is the place where the souls of the downed rest in eternal peace,-metaphor/hyperbole C

wakizashi to end the bit of life the victim has left and make a terrible ending to the owner's life, D

the Haidate symbol of perseverance and no fear, Hakama free from fear and fatigue,-assonance E

Tekko symbolizing the fire of my fist in front of an enemy,-symbolism F

Kote, the sleeve that protects me from the only choice in battle, death, sode rough like when you feel a stone. -oxymoron/imagery G

The armor is also a sad memory trapped in time and the last images that many people had in his life before the cracking bone.-onomatopoeia G

This is an important thing for the samurai the fabric and material should be very fine made with cotton and wool soft like the hands of a loved person. -personification H

The Medate also referring to the flag of the revered nation, The red berry.F

The size big and wide as a rhino, to intimidate the adversary.F

The use of this armor has a lot of stories, red is the color of passion and love but in this case, is the death in person. H

The pain and suffering that the user feels it isn’t compared with anything in-universe, also carrying the heavy souls of each downed person.H

If your braveness in your heart is strong you will be capable of getting your fear buried. I

Honor and pride are essential values for wearing this armor, J

remarks on the context of use and the legacy that been passed and buried. I

If you see him you will need to worry, start to run, and hurry. I

The men behind the armor it’s really charmer.J

Many types of warriors but only one wish, being along with his friends honorably buried.I

Poetic Uniforms
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