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Savvy Psychologist

A family portrait of mental illness with Meg Kissinger

Savvy Psychologist
Savvy Psychologist

Do you come from a family that has been marked by mental illness? Many of us do, but it's not always the mental illness that breaks us down, it's the silence. Meg Kissinger joins today's show to discuss her new book, While You Were Out, a story about family mental illness in an era of silence.

Get your copy of While You Were Out on Amazon, Bookshop, or at your local bookstore.

Connect with Meg Kissinger: https://www.megkissinger.com/

Savvy Psychologist is hosted by Dr. Monica Johnson. Have a mental health question? Email us at psychologist@quickanddirtytips.com or leave a voicemail at 929-256-2191.

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