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Skinwalker Radio

Strange Things in the Woods - Steve Stockton

Skinwalker Radio
Skinwalker Radio
Steve is an author and hosts an a few awesome YouTube channels. His recent book "Strange Things in the Woods" is a collection of wild, scary, and strange stories from all over the country. He has spent years compiling this information into book form and joins me today to discuss some of the more interesting tales.
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Check out Steve's YouTube channel https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FtL11LjKwHCM%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1YSMRDg5pRcB_nph93XdsdztLPqQUU2VkyABpE9YshiQHrtnXEUp1eQsw&h=AT3nh9GqrcZl32BhwmUz3M4anutXZnyiz3D0_HDZNvPUdM5habJTjzGqDV02GRVEY_Q4nk88JR1u6EPDJPFNvLQifiE1uzunrLrHEXqYgSzm9c1q4A1sOCSweLlWsWx3fl4DfQC-wsz2LK6IDt-oMH6l8w
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