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Soul Salon with Ayandastood

Soul Salon with Ayandastood

Soul Salon with Ayandastood

About Soul Salon with Ayandastood

pov: you're obsessed with paradigm shifts, aha moments, expanding your consciousness, de-colonizing, and seeing beyond the current paradigm. you believe love, community, interdependence, joy, rest & creativity are our birthright, and you are seeking more ways to find y(our) way home. you are the Wise Friend who listens deeply, but often feels unheard or unseen. i am here to walk beside you. let's paradigm shift together, guided by your host, Ayanda, also known as @ayandastood on TikTok and IG.

☎️ seeking advice? submit a Q via voicemail here: https://www.speakpipe.com/ayandastood


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