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The Adoption and Fostering Podcast

Christmas Special - Vicki, Haley, Scott and Al round up the year.

The Adoption and Fostering Podcast
The Adoption and Fostering Podcast

In this our Christmas podcast we get on Vicki and Haley from the podcast family and we unpick some of the latest new, consider what we'd like to ask the Children's minister and look to the future.

Thank you so much for listening this year it's been a delight to podcast and we've had so many highs that they can't be listed.

As always if you’ve experience of adoption, fostering or special guardianship from any perspective personal or professional and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook page, the app formerly known as Twitter or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com

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The Adoption and Fostering Podcast
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