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The Adoption and Fostering Podcast

Episode 181 - Post Adoption Support and Scaffolding

The Adoption and Fostering Podcast
The Adoption and Fostering Podcast
Hello and welcome to the A&F podcast. In this episode we unpick a few questions in relation to post adoption contact as well as think about how much scaffolding is too much and downsizing when your children get to 18.

Here's a link for next Intro to NVR that we're holding on the 13th & 20th May. As it's online it's open to any persons from anywhere https://rb.gy/dx888x

Link for other workshops: www.fasdireland.ie/workshops - this includes an Introduction to FASD.

As always if you’ve experience of adoption, fostering or special guardianship from any perspective personal or professional and would like share that on the podcast please get in touch through the Facebook page, the app formerly known as Twitter or email us at AandFpodcast@gmail.com

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The Adoption and Fostering Podcast
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