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Veda Chanting

2.13 Long Life

Veda Chanting
Veda Chanting

Rishi: Atharva

With your luminous presence all round, O Agni, guard the child of man, guide him to maturity and beyond. Your splendor becomes his, and his protection. Death dares to approach only the allotted time, under your protection. Brishpathi grants the body to Mind.

The Word, is your body, your happiness. You protect them from ill-will. May your life of hundred autumns be filled with true wealth.

Find your rock within, anchoring your life to it for a hundred years, blessed by all-gods.

Let this Word act as a garment under the protection of all-gods and your brothers. Your birth into this new life and growth will lead to many more such births.

Veda Chanting
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