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Body Bites With Bec

#143: Melinda, 55, loses 21 kg in 10 months and finds sustainable food freedom after 30 years of dieting

Body Bites With Bec
Body Bites With Bec

Do you relate to any of these scenarios?

  • Are you someone that's stuck in the cycle of following a diet (maybe mine, your own or another companys) but you keep putting the weight back on?
  • Maybe you feel results for a short term period, but a holiday comes and you totally give up and then return to your old habits?
  • Or, maybe you're older than 50 and keep telling yourself that it's impossible to lose weight at this age?

Melinda, 55 from Melbourne said yes to all of the above before finding me and starting my 3 Week Body Reset, followed by the Health With Bec Tribe.

But now, she’s lost 21 kgs without finding it hard AND has enjoyed the process, loved the food, hasn’t felt hungry and she’s maintained her loss for over 3 months now... it’s the best she’s felt since her early 20s!!

She shares her story and tips here to inspire you to also lose weight sustainably.

There are so many tips here for the women on my programs too!!

If Melinda can do it, so can you.


Download my FREE eBook with 4 15 minute meals: click here

Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body Reset

Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe

Explore my free recipes & website: Click here

Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec

Fasting resources mentioned

Download my Fasting Freebie: Click here

#15: 2 Proven and Profound Fat Burning Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

#16: Intermittent Fasting Do’s and Don’ts and Your Questions Answered!

Body Bites With Bec
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