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143. LUCKA 16: Skyskrapan brinner! del 1 av 2


Grenfell Towers stod i lågor, och instruktionen för de boende var att om det skulle börja brinna skulle de ‘stay put’ - alltså stanna i sina lägenheter och invänta hjälp. Men vad gör man när hjälpen inte kommer, och brandsäkerheten i övrigt inte fungerar?

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Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government and The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP. 2018. Government bans combustible materials on high-rise homes www.gov.uk/government/news/government-bans-combustible-materials-on-high-rise-homes (Hämtad: 2023-09-28).

Oppenheim, M. 2017. Grenfell Tower: Conservative politician suspended after offensive 'hanging' tweet causes uproar i Independent. www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/grenfell-tower-fire-latest-conservative-councillor-ken-hawkins-suspended-hanging-tweet-protests-kensington-a7798656.html (Hämtad: 2022-09-10).

Snowdon, K. et. al. Grenfell Tower Fire Lays Bare The 'Tale Of Two Kensingtons' - A Borough Of Extreme Rich And Poor www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/grenfell-tower-tale-two-kensingtons-borough-extreme-rich-poor_uk_594269e9e4b003d5948d5116 (Hämtad: 2022-09-10).

Stone, J. 2022. Sadiq Khan calls for building safety watchdog to be renationalised to prevent another Grenfell fire i Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/sadiq-khan-grenfell-building-safety-watchdog-bre-b2250810.html (Hämtad: 2022-09-10).

Symonds, T. 2022. Grenfell: Why are families still waiting for justice? i BBC www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61724373 (Hämtad: 2023-09-13).

Waite, R. 2022. Grenfell: Official denies replying ‘show me the bodies’ to architect’s fire warning I Architects Journal www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/grenfell-official-denies-replying-show-me-the-bodies-to-architects-fire-warning (Hämtad: 2023-09-17).

Walker, P. 2018. Theresa May calls her response to Grenfell fire 'not good enough' I The Guardian www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/jun/11/theresa-may-grenfell-tower-fire-response-not-good-enough (Hämtad: 2023-09-28).

Weinfass, I. 2020. Grenfell: Kingspan manager said fire-safety consultant could ‘go f**k themselves’ i Construction News www.constructionnews.co.uk/health-and-safety/grenfell-kingspan-manager-said-fire-safety-consultant-could-go-fk-themselves-01-12-2020/ (Hämtad: 2023-09-17).

Wikipediabidragsgivare. 2023. Aftermath of the Grenfell Tower i Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aftermath_of_the_Grenfell_Tower_fire# (Hämtad: 2022-09-10).

Wikipediabidragsgivare. 2023. Corporate manslaughter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_manslaughter (Hämtad: 2023-09-28).

Wrack, M. 2020. Grenfell: A Very Capitalist Tragedy i Tribune https://tribunemag.co.uk/2020/06/grenfell-a-very-capitalist-tragedy (Hämtad: 2023-09-28).

Yates, K. 2020. The twinned injustices of race and class lie at the heart of the Grenfell tragedy www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/aug/01/the-twinned-injustices-of-race-and-class-lie-at-the-heart-of-the-grenfell-tragedy (Hämtad: 2022-09-10).

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