Have you wondered what the secret to waking up happy is?
I have been waking up happy every day for a couple of weeks now and I think these witchy nighttime rituals could be to blame. Watch as I explain 3 easy steps you can take to wake up happy every day.
1. Going to sleep with protective talismans
Placing the following items near your bedside will improve the quality of your sleep so that you can wake up feeling well-rested.
- A photo of a guardian like Archangel Michael
- A Motanka
- A cross
- Crystals like rose quartz, clear quartz, black obsidian and tourmaline
2. Journaling before bed
Journaling is a calming way to get feelings off of your chest so that you don't go to bed angry or upset.
Get our decks to learn more tips to live a magical life
3. Going to bed as-if
Go to bed as if you are already living the life of your dreams. Imagine you had the best day and allow yourself to really feel as if you lived it before you drift off to sleep. This will enable you to wake up feeling like a winner.
If would like to chat about how to use magic to make your life happier book a session with Anielle or get her decks!
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