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#24 Tositarinoita Metsässä kohdatuista pelottavista asioista

Pelottavia Juttuja
Pelottavia Juttuja
Tositarinoita redditistä.

0:00-0:24 intro 0:24-05:48 Tarina 1 05:48-14:07 Tarina 2 14:07-19:56 Never let your dog explore the forest alone. 19:56-27:00 Nonjeneregrette - The night the woods stood silent 27:00-30:25 Nubesai - Creeper in the forest 30:25-35:01 Less_obvious_captain - man following me into forest 35:01-45:09 Bossyboots801 - That’s not my friend in the woods
Pelottavia Juttuja
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