On today's episode of The Macro Trading Floor, Alfonso & Andreas discuss the recent economic data releases and the growth slowdown they are signalling. We then explore the chances of a Fed pause/pivot. Have the probabilities increased since the recent turmoil in the banking system has given the Fed more cover to reign in their hawkish stance? Finally, Alfonso & Andreas share their actionable trade ideas, but to hear that, you'll have to tune in! -- Follow Andreas: https://twitter.com/AndreasSteno Follow Alf: https://twitter.com/MacroAlf Follow Blockworks: https://twitter.com/Blockworks_ Subscribe To The Macro Compass: https://www.themacrocompass.com/ Subscribe To Steno Research: https://stenoresearch.com/ Get top market insights and the latest in crypto news. Subscribe to Blockworks Daily Newsletter: https://blockworks.co/newsletter/ -- Disclaimer: Nothing discussed on The Macro Trading Floor should be considered as investment advice. Please always do your own research & speak to a financial advisor before thinking about, thinking about putting your money into these crazy markets.
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