Underworld: Behind the Scenes of the NCA
Underworld: Behind the Scenes of the NCA
Om Underworld: Behind the Scenes of the NCA
Underworld: Behind the Scenes of the NCA is a new podcast series which unearths the murky world of dangerous offenders across the UK and around the world, lifting the lid on the most notorious crimes solved by the National Crime Agency. The first of its kind, each episode covers a different covert operation the NCA has been involved in over the last decade, with fascinating unheard accounts from those who fight crime in the shadows. Host, Investigative Journalist Ellie Flynn, discusses the cases with those involved, from Senior Investigative Officers to partners from global forces. For the first time the agency is inviting the public to hear first-hand how NCA officers have used their world-leading intelligence capabilities to bring some of the country’s most dangerous criminals to justice.
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