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Bitcoin out of the Box

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to make SMARTER cryptocurrency and DeFi trades (w. Ben Goertzel)

Bitcoin out of the Box
Bitcoin out of the Box

SingularityDAO ($SDAO) is a project incubated by SingularityNET. The SingularityNET platform utilises artificial intelligence (AI) to manage cryptocurrency portfolios known as Dynasets. Similar to an AI-powered decentralized hedge fund, it will make it easier for users to get exposure to the cryptocurrency market and make SMARTER trades.  

I interview Dr. Ben Goertzel, CEO and Founder of SingularityNET, and AI mastermind.

Learn more about SingularityDAO: https://www.singularitydao.ai
Medium: https://medium.com/singularitydao
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SingularityDao

Bitcoin out of the Box
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