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Eckhart Tolle — The Power of Now

You have it already. You just can’t feel it because your mind is making too much noise.

In essence there is and always has been only one spiritual teaching.

The secret of life is to die before you die, and find that there is no death.

What at this moment is lacking?

The Power of Now is your only point of access into the timeless and formless.

Past and future veil God from our sight, burn up both of them with fire.

Break mind patterns that have dominated human life for eons and awaken consciousness from the dream of matter, form, and separation. The ending of time.

Karma Yoga: non-attachment to the fruit of your action.

Everything is honored, but nothing matters. Forms are born and die, yet you are aware of the eternal underneath the forms. You know that “nothing real can be threatened.”

Consciousness manifesting as form, just like in dreams.

Lila: Divine Play of the Absolute

Dig deep until you reach the rock, then build your house, so it is not swept away by the floods.

Having access to the formless is truly liberating.

Energy = formless form

World dissolves into unmanifested, unmanifested takes on form of world as energy.

Use your body as a portal to enter the unmanifested to stay connected with source at all times.

Formless = silence between musical notes (form)

“Overcome the world.”
“Cross over to the other shore.”
Conscious immortality.

Misfit/Neurodiverse/Neuroatypical = Advantage

Abiding presence, unchanging deep stillness, uncaused joy beyond good and bad. This is the joy of Being, the peace of God.

The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace. Anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender.

As more humans awaken, the word ‘work’ is going to disappear from our vocabulary, and perhaps a new word will be created to replace it like PLAY.

Book ► http://bit.ly/TollePowerOfNow

Our First Book ► https://highlevelperception.com

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