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Strange & Unexplained

#36 Maria Marta

Strange & Unexplained
Strange & Unexplained

The gated community of Carmel, near Buenos Aires Argentina, was more than just a neighborhood; it was a safe haven for the wealthy in a time of economic unrest. The country had just experienced some of the worst economic times since the 1980’s and were just starting to recover in the late months of 2002. At the same time Maria Marta Garcia Belsunce and her family were living in the Carmel ‘compound’ and working with an Argentinian foundation that helped find missing children. Until it was Marta that came up missing!....but then they found her…..in her bathroom, where upon first glance(witnesses say) she appeared to have slipped, hit her head and drowned in the bath tub.




Netflix: Carmel-Who Killed Maria Marta?

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-54947929&prev=search&pto=auetranslated news article

https://youtu.be/Kg3Btg94F7w youtube breakdown of Netflix special

https://economics.rabobank.com/publications/2013/august/the-argentine-crisis-20012002-/ argentina’s economic crisis explained

https://www.1news.info/celebrity-news/the-family-are-a-major-part-in-carmel-who-killed-maria-marta-find-out-who-s-who-806333 who’s who Maria’s family

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