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This Agile Life
This Agile Life
In this thrilling episode of This Agile Life, Jason asks for advice from Craig, Amos and Lee on what kind of metrics development teams can provide so there is some level of predictability as to new when features will be available to users or potential customers. Craig I Estimate this Talk will be 20 Minutes Long, Give or Take 10 Minutes by Noel Rappin, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBMwT53oGsM Concolic testing, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concolic_testing * Concolic = concrete + symbolic Lee #NoEstimates Project Planning Using Monte Carlo Simulation, https://www.infoq.com/articles/noestimates-monte-carlo/ ActionableAgile, https://actionableagile.com/ Amos Agile and Beyond - Tom Churchwell, http://agileandbeyond.com Code Craftsman Saturdays - Bob Allen, http://codecraftsmansaturdays.blogspot.com Ford Agile Coaches - They are hiring agile craftsman who want to pair and do TDD email Fadi at fkhoury@ford.com Give and Take - Adam Grant, https://www.adamgrant.net/give-and-take Jason Book - Lynn Cazaly - Visual Mojo – Learn how drawing can be easy and fun & Agile 2019 keynote speaker - https://www.amazon.com/Visual-Mojo-Express-Lynne-Cazaly/dp/0987462911 Video - Brene Brown – Netflix Special: Call to Courage – Learn how shame and vulnerability impact you and your team and what you can do about it – https://www.netflix.com/title/81010166 Event - Agile Midwest Call For Papers Round Two (Sept 25/26 in St. Louis, MO) – Congrats to our first round selections but it’s not too late to submit your idea to share OR improve your submission if you weren’t selected – www.agilemidwest.org
This Agile Life
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