This episode, we head back into Gothic territory with a tale of cruelty and revenge set during the Franco-Prussian war, ‘The Lord of Chateau Noir’ from 1894.
You can read the short story here:
Or listen to Greg Wagland’s audiobook version here:
The episode can be heard here:
The episode can be heard here:
And you can read the show notes here:
A version of the episode, with closed captions, will shortly appear on our YouTube channel here: Please like and subscribe so we can get a memorable channel URL!
Next time on the Doings of Doyle… A complete change of tone and pace with the light-hearted body-swap story, The Great Keinplatz Experiment (1885) which can be read here: Become a Patron If you are enjoying the podcast and want to become a patron, please visit our Patreon page.
Bonus material for this episode is now available exclusively for Patreon supporter.
Acknowledgements Thanks to our sponsor, Belanger Books:, and to our patrons on Patreon. Image credits: Thanks to Alexis Barquin at The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopaedia for permission to reproduce these images. Please support the encyclopaedia at Music credit: Sneaky Snitch Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License.
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