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5 of the Best

drugs that were legal

5 of the Best
5 of the Best
In 2003, a leather basket filled with cannabis leaf fragments and seeds was found next to a 2,500- to 2,800-year-old mummified shaman in the northwesternXinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China.[136][137] Cannabis is also known to have been used by the ancient Hindus of India and Nepal thousands of years ago. 
Contemporary uses of cannabis are as a recreational or medicinal drug, and as part of religious or spiritual rites; the earliest recorded uses date from the 3rd millennium BC.[10] In 2004, the United Nations estimated that global consumption of cannabis indicated that approximately 4% of the adult world population (162 million people) used cannabis annually, and that approximately 0.6% (22.5 million) of people used cannabis daily.[11] In the United States, cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug (under federal law); 5.1% of Americans said they used marijuana in the past 30 days. In 1977, 38% of 12th graders reported using cannabis in the past month; in 2011, 23% of the same age group reported using cannabis in the same time span.


In June 1840 the British fleet of 16 warships and 27 transports carrying 4,000 men arrived in the Pearl River Delta, near Humen.
Among them was the Nemesis, a new iron warship armed with a deadly weapon - the Congreve rocket launcher, able to fire exploding rockets up to a distance of two miles.
The Chinese were prepared, but their antiquated defences were no match for the British. Their static canons and armada of war junks were destroyed in just five and a half hours.
Over the next two years the British navy travelled up the coast towards Shanghai. Chinese troops, many of whom were addicted to opium, were overwhelmed at every stage.
The British bombardments resulted in a considerable loss of life - between 20,000 and 25,000 Chinese were killed. Britain lost just 69 men.


Diacetylmorphine was first synthesized in 1874 by C. R. Alder Wright, an English chemist working at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London. He had been experimenting with combining morphine with various acids. He boiled anhydrous morphine alkaloid with acetic anhydride for several hours and produced a more potent, acetylated form of morphine, now called diacetylmorphine or morphine diacetate. The compound was sent to F. M. Pierce of Owens College in Manchester for analysis. Pierce told Wright:
Wright's invention did not lead to any further developments, and diacetylmorphine became popular only after it was independently re-synthesized 23 years later by another chemist,Felix Hoffmann. Hoffmann, working at the Aktiengesellschaft Farbenfabriken (today theBayer pharmaceutical company) in Elberfeld, German
Later, as with Aspirin, Bayer lost some of its trademark rights to heroin under the 1919 Treaty of Versailles following the German defeat in World War I.[65]

The BBC reported that "Worldwide, the UN estimates that as of 2005, there are more than 50 million regular users of heroin, cocaine and synthetic drugs."[13] Global users of diacetylmorphine are estimated at between 15 and 21 million people aged 15–64.[1
Modern medicine knows about ergot, but has rarely seen it in the form of an epidemic disease.* It is a black fungus that grows on wet grain, contains chemicals that powerfully affect the blood vessels and the nervous system.
Drugs that were legal pics tomorrowIn the Middle Ages, growing uncontrolled in wet summers, ergot was no such helpful friend. The disease was called "St. Anthony's Fire," and raged periodically through Europe. Monastic chroniclers wrote of agonizing burning sensations, of feet and hands blackened like charcoal, of vomiting, convulsions and death. Whole villages were driven mad.

The British Army thouht a brief moment that LSD might aid there forces
A crew of British military men were each given LSD-25 (Acid) while on the field. Here is what happened:
2 min video
There's a part of the video missing, they mentioned that one of the men nearly succeeded in befelling a tree, using only a spade
5 of the Best
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